“We want to create value for you by sharing marketing tips and timesavers” – O’C&K.
Would you be happy with an 80% success rate?
Of course, not everybody loves walking into a business networking event as a stranger or standing at a trade show stand or even attending a breakfast meeting as a member of an association, but guess what? It is essential to building and growing your business. And yes it does take skill and experience to feel confident in these situations, but it’s amazing how a little careful planning will help you to gain those all-important business leads (or whatever your objectives are).
Attract + Action.
I read a blog lately where Woody Allen was quoted as saying that ‘80% of success is showing up’. Now while I actually do agree with this sentiment, I believe the remaining 20% is as, if not more, important as the 80%. From experience I know that your task will be made a lot easier if you prepare a little before, during and after the event. Interestingly, recently I read a blog that broke the word ‘attraction’ into two parts – Attract and Action – (I apologise to the author for not being able to credit them, as I just cannot locate the blog). They pointed out that we must first attract what we are looking for and then just as importantly, take the appropriate action in order to get what we set out to achieve. The point is – who wants just 80% success. No one else can do this for us, we must take action ourselves to attract what it is that we want. So referring to Woody Allen’s quote – showing up is indeed action but it’s not enough on its own. We must take the action by attending, of course, and then make ourselves attractive to our prospects.
Tips and Timesavers.
Here are 10 pointers that might help with the attraction element:
Before the Event
1. Choose the event wisely and set objectives.
2. Scope out individual attendees (and their company’s website) and prepare your elevator pitch.
3. Dress for success.
During the Event
4. Get the lay of the land and look for the influencers.
5. Study name badges in general and be friendly.
6. Be curious and be open yourself to questions.
7. Don’t sell too hard so listen more than you speak.
8. Keep cards handy and keep mingling.
After the Event
9. Make notes and follow through promises (e.g. social media).
10. Be professional with follow ups (they’re not your friend – yet).
Let’s face it, real-life networking events aren’t likely to go away anytime soon – people enjoy connecting with each other, in person. Remember everybody at that event has something to offer somebody and that includes you. Be attractive and go that extra 20%.
If you have any other tips or timesavers please leave a reply below. If you’d like to receive similar content, just subscribe by clicking through the pink button, on this page. Of course if you want to get in touch, leave your details and perhaps we might meet for a chat, cheers. Jim – O’C&K
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